Azucena Palomares

I have been an Olympic weightlifter and a CrossFitter for over 5 years and a coach since 2020. Throughout my role as an athlete I have learned so much about the health and fitness industry that has made me a very knowledgeable coach. I specialize in Olympic weightlifting, full body workouts and enjoy working with beginners and new moms who want to begin or return to their fitness journeys. 

Growing up I used to play soccer and would go to the gym alone for hours. Although, when I moved to Virginia in 2017 I had no other choice but to join CrossFit because it was the closest gym I had around. I remember walking into my first class and being terrified because there were pull ups in the workout and of course I couldn't do those yet. But by the end of class I was so excited. I quickly realized how inclusive the community was and how it welcomed all fitness levels and ages! This is what sparked my interest in coaching.

Not only did coaching spark my interest because it reminded me of my teaching days, but when I became pregnant with my daughter I realized that coaching was something I absolutely needed and wanted to do. When I got pregnant I was told by many people and even doctors that I was going to have to stop my exercise routines due to it being harmful for the baby. I was devastated. At that point I sought out coaches for advice and couldn’t find anyone who understood what I was going through. That’s when I decided to get my trainer certification and to take extra training on classes and educate myself on pregnant and postpartum athletes. I learned so much about the body and how to adjust coaching for my clients to find the best fitness and health options for their unique needs.  

I have worked with a wide variety of athletes and it has been an absolute pleasure. My mission is to help people feel strong, healthy, confident and most importantly happy with their fitness journey. No matter what your goals are, whether it's getting stronger, weight loss or even nutrition I promise I will work with you to get you there. Like I always say I am here to help you be better than me. Now, let's get to work and make it happen! 

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4221 S Santa Rita ave suite 103,tucson, az 85714